Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Jacksons surgery update

Hi Jackson is done with surgery. He went in at about 2 and was done at 4:45. He spent a long time in recovery because he was bleeding a lot. He is now in his hospital room and not bleeding anymore. He is on morphine so pretty much out of it. Although he wanted to eat, so he has had lots of yogurt and applesauce and seems to be fine with it.
The Dr said that when he got into the palate there is a lot of fatty tissue rather than muscle. This could be part of his swallow issues. The Dr added lenth to the palate but did not make the speed bump because he felt the length was long enough. So he took tissue from the back of the throat and added it to his palate.
We won't know for 3 months if this surgery was effective but if it is you can ussually notice soon after surgery. He is going to be in pain for at least 7 days so we will keep him well medicated. For 48 hours he has to have arm restraints to keep him from putting anything to his mouth.
The Doc said if all is well tomorrow he will go home. They will send him home on Tylenol/Codeine, Amoxicillan, and arm restraints (for 48 hours).
He seems kind of sad but was happy when Skyler gave him a stuffed alligator as a get well gift. Skyler said he almost cried when he saw him (Too Cute). Jackson also wanted to see his baby right away.
They don't want him talking to much but he does talk here and there.Brian is staying with him tonight and I will go back tomorrow morning.
Sky, Kierra and I are at the Ronald Mcdonald house. Skyler loves it because they have a WII. Anywho I will post more tomorrow.
I have pictures but the computer here doesn't have a place to put my memory card so pictures are soon to come.


Anonymous said...

All of us here at the Achieve Center are thinking of you guys! We wish Wacky J a speedy recovery!

Anonymous said...

Gosh I can't wait for you guys to come home to me!! Being in the house without you guys is so lonely and quiet! I am not sure what to do with myself! Give Wookie tons and tons of kisses from Nana and tell him I am at home waiting for him to squeeze his guts out!!! Love you guys WAY too much!!!