Saturday, July 26, 2008

Girls Day Out!!!

It was a girls day out. First Mom, Kierra and I went to a bridal shower. Then Mom, Sarah, Lyra, Kierra, Isabelle and I set out on the town. First we stuffed ourselves at Azteca. Yum! Next we went to Claires and pierced Isabelle's ears. They are so cute. I was surprised she did it. Then we went to get pedicures. After the pedicures we did the girls pictures at Kiddie Kandids. The pictures are adorable. SEE BELOW
Isabelle and Lyra

Isabelle, Lyra and Kierra




Kierra and Lyra

Friday, July 25, 2008

Better Late than never...

So finally I am posting a few more pictures from my trip.

I am supposed to be getting ready to go to the lake with Sarah and the kids but I got distracted. So much has happened this week. HELLO BIG NEWS Jackson got his feeding tube removed on Tuesday the 22nd. He is so happy and doing great. We had a huge celebration that night to celebrate the big day. We went to the park and had pizza, ice cream sundays and cake. Thanks to all those who came. We are just putting bandages on the site and changing them often. We have to give it two weeks to try and heal on its own if not he will have to have surgery to close it up. The Dr said more then likely he will have to have surgery because he had the feeding tube for so long. OK now I really need to get ready or I will be late. I will post button party pictures later.

The family at the memorial.

Vietnam Memorial. This was very touching!!!

My cuz at the World War 2 Memorial in D.C.

This doesn't look good!! My Aunts giving Kierra a drink. They look like they are up to trouble.

Melanie and Jeff

My cousins feeding Kierra weird things

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Kierra and her First taste of watermelon

We went to my brothers last night and they gave her watermelon, she loved it!!!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Still Too Quiet

Today is day three without the boys and the house is still not the same. They call everyday and sound like they are having a blast. I am jealous!!! They are going to the rain forest tomorrow.
Brian and I went to the mall and to T.G.I. Fridays for dinner. We have been watching lots of movies and just vegging out.
I put Kierra in her crib to see if she will fall asleep on her own. So far so good she isn't crying yet. I turned on a lullaby CD for her.
Kierra is so close to crawling she gets up like she doing a push up then puts her face down to the ground and scoots forward. It is the funniest thing to watch.
Tomorrow is back to work I go so I must get ready for the day.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Some Pictures for ya

Kierra's Messy face

My family and I in Washington D.C.

Friday, July 11, 2008

What am I gonna do with myself??????

Well here I am in a quiet house. I had no clue what to do with myself today it was such a wierd feeling. My parents took both the boys this morning to the coast and won't be back untill the 19th.
I went and saw a friend and went shopping. Shopping was wierd with no children. I think Kierra is missing her brothers though. She keeps looking for them.
Last night was a blast but I payed for it this morning !!! :)

Thursday, July 10, 2008

AHHHHHHHH Work!!!!!!!!

OK I am at work and on a well needed break!!! I have CRAZY kids in my classroom and they are on a roll today. If ya don't know silly me decided to do a school age/ preschool class for the summer. Excuse my french but what the bleep was I thinking? Apparently I was having a brain lapse the day I signed up :) No seriously it is kinda a fun challenge. We have been getting dirty everyday playing in water and mud and they love it. I had them make a big river in the sand box and they spend forever in it walking in or digging the mud.
Back at the home front things are busy with getting the boys and grandparents ready for their trip to the ocean. They leave tomorrow for the Washington Coast.
Today my parents will have all the kids and I am going to party tonight!!! I don't have to work on Fridays so we are going to have a blast on the cruise tonight. OK well I gotta get back in my room .
Love Me

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

After 7 and a half hours on an airplane we arrived in Washington D.C. .
Kierra met her Aunt Susie and Hamma for the first time!
Kierra met Hoppa for the second time.


First Biter Biscuit :)
Ok I am back!!! I have everyone on my back to get my but in gear and start blogging more so here I am making an effort.
My trip was awesome!! My cousin Mels wedding was amazing!!! I am going to more pictures but at this moment Kierra is still awake in my lap and grabbing everything. If I put her down she screams. I know being an Early Childhood major I should know better, but life goes on.
I am so tired from today at work. It is so hard to work with kids and come home to kids. Good news though Thursday I am going on a party cruise with my buds.
I will write more when I don't have whiny babies around me.