Saturday, March 29, 2008

Snow Again

Hi! What a snowy day!!! It is so crazy that it can be spring out one second and the next it is a snow storm. ? Crazy!!! I have to get off my bum today and start getting ready for our trip to Seattle. Lots of errands to run. Keep checking for posts about Jacksons surgery I will updated when we are in Seattle. Love ya CHOW !!!

Monday, March 24, 2008

Easter Grass Should be banned!!!

I THINK ALL EASTER GRASS SHOULD BE ILLEGAL!!! It was all over my house today. We had fun though! We had an egg hunt, colored eggs and ate a big ham dinner.
Today I am dealing with the school district. I had a bad IEP meeting last week and decieded to take a stand and I have been in contact with the district IEP lady. I don't back down. She is being very helpful.
Later I am going out with a friend so that will be nice to get out of the house and leave Brian to deal with the kidlings.

Saturday, March 22, 2008


Are You kinding me??? That picture of snow was yesterday morning. I thought it was spring. The other pictures are later on. Wierd weather!!!
Today I am trying to get motivated to do something productive. Hopefully it works. Chat at ya later and hope ya all have a HAPPY EASTER!!!!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Silly Rabbit :)

OMG Jackson is so silly he wore his bunny ears and took his paper basket everywhere today. He really embarrassed Skyler at school. They had a third grade music concert and Skyler played the drums and sang (Oh so enthusiastic too). Skyler said his friends thought Jackson was funny.

I also had a stressfull day dealing with the school district and all of there silliness. I can't believe how unprofessinal people can be. I will just leave it at that.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Monday, March 17, 2008

This is really sad...

We just now did our wishbone from our turkey :) I got sick of looking at the nasty thing . Skyler says he let Jackson win.
The picture is Jackson writing his name. The teacher wrote it on the bottom and he wrote above it.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Say what you need to say... Check out this video. I saw it on my friends blog and it is so true. It makes me think if I have said what I need to say to those I love. Just click on the link.

The pictures of Jackson are him at his speech therapy (We love you guys at the Achieve Center). He recieves Vital Stim. That is whats on his chin. This is a link that talks about it.

The last picture is Kierra mad at me playing dress up with her.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Sick of Cleaning...

Ok today I am so sick of cleaning!!! I have to clean everyday. I want a MAID!!! Kids and Husbands are too messy and I don't know if it is just me but I make them clean then I end up going over what they did because it is never up to my standards and I know I should let it go but I have an obsessive compulsive disorder (At least I admit it). My practicum students fold the laundry in my room and are so worried all the time if they are folded properly and all going the right way (Is that bad?).
Anywho here are more pics from today. Kierra going to sleep the only way she will on her own is with a soft blanket around her face ( I know its not good but I watch her). Skyler not letting me take his picture and Jackson doing what he does best eating. Oh yah I caught him with Brians head lamp and jumping on the bed.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


Drawing on the Wall

Hi This is Jackson and the things he drew on today. The middle picture is Skylers homework and the last picture is the wall.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Picture Day

Hi!!!! Well pictures seem like they should be such a quick and easy task and it always turns into an all day activity. Man oh Man It took forever to get all three ready and then once we got there it was soooo stressful to get three kids to look at the camera and do what they were supposed to do. They turned out cute though.
While we were at the mall we also stopped to see the Easter Bunny. Jackson couldn't wait to see him but when it was time to sit on his lap Jackson would not go near the bunny. So I made Skyler sit with him so we could get a picture and Skyler was so not thrilled about that. The picture is hillarious with Skyler scouling at the camera Jackson has a huge smile and Kierra is just chillin with a big bunny. When we were leaving Skyler says, "that bunny still creeps me out after all these years".
Then I made the dumb decision to go to Wally world after the pictures. Never again!!!!!

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Rainy Day

After the beautiful week we have a rainy day . Oh well I like rain too. Today we are getting Jackson a box spring for his bed so he can be a big boy in a big boy bed. He is very excited.

Also going to hang with Eddie and Sarah. Maybe do something fun? Don't know yet.

Last night we went to my neice's birthday party (Kamdyn). Jackson and her played tag all night and Skyler complained how bored he was. He says he is too old for baby games (He saw the basketball court and was mad he couldn't play so he had to be grumpy the rest of the night). We also got lost on the way there. We were somewhere in the boonys and Skyler thought we were going to have to eat a horse to survive (He is so dramatic). After about 30 min I found my way to the birthday. I don't know how I always get lost.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008


Well today is beautiful outside. I took the boys to school and they had to wear thier sunglasses and hats so i had to laugh and take a picture. Then I came home and played with Kierra. She is so fun because she is cooing and smiling all the time. So of course I took pictures. I also put a picture of her bracelet in so you could see it. I got it when she was in the hospital after her heart surgery.
I was just remembering back to not too long ago when we found out she had a heart problem. It felt like the biggest blow to us because we had already gone through medical stuff with Jackson and we felt we couldn't do it again. Emotionally and Physically we didn't know how we would get through this. For those of you who don't know how we found out it was a miracle.
Kierra was in the hospital for jaundice, when we were getting ready to leave a doctor (We say Angel) came in the room and said she just wanted to do one quick checkover before we went home. So she proceeded to look over her and ooh and ahh over how much hair Kierra had and how beautiful she was. She even asked if she was asian. Then the Dr listens to Kierras heart with her stethascope and said she hears a faint murmer. She told us her husband was a pediatric cardiologist and before we go home she was going to have him listen just to be sure. Her husband came down right away and he listened and said the murmur was faint but he wanted to do a ultrasound of her heart to be sure. What happened next was a shock. When they did the ultra sound they found that her aorta was narrowing. He called it Coarctation of the Aorta. Then he said you won't be going home you will be going to Peds ICU. He also said she will be needing Heart surgery. The only words I heard were Heart, Surgery and Peds ICU. All those years I kept it together with Jackson were out the window, I lost it.
Well after all the shock set in and I got it together Brian and I wanted to talk to someone about all of this. We had questions and wanted answers. The Cardiologist came back in at 10 o'clock at night on his own time to talk with us. He drew pictures and exclaimed that if your baby is to have a heart problem this is the one to have. He told us that at 10 days old newborns hearts start pumping normal rather than how it was pumping in the womb. Then he told us that if this was not caught we would of had a very sick baby on our hands and who knows what could have happened. Kierra was 8 days old two days shy of the 10 day mark. We felt so lucky and blessed and knew she had angels watching over her. The Dr assured us this procedure would be pretty straight forward and she should have no problems afterwards.
So fast forward to today and she is so healthy and happy and everyday I look at her I feel so THANKFUL and BLESSED.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Stay at home life

So I've been stayin at home on maternity leave and I think I'm goin CRAZY :) !!! I Really don't know how people do it. I love my kids and all but I need the adult conversations too. I feel even busier at home than at work. Maybe that is because I now have THREE kids ( oh man wait till I go back to work).

Today Skyler was sick at home so I took Jackson to school and i realized how much Jackson has an impact on this house. It was so quiet all day till I picked up Jackson and it was all over. You gotta love the kid though he keeps ya laughing.

I scheduled Jacksons surgery today. It will be April 1st. Can't wait for it to be over.

I Am A Blogger???

Hi, I am going to start blogging. I figure it is a good way for out of town family and friends to see everyday life for us. Anywho I will start off by telling you a little about my family for those of you who don't know us too well.
First off I have three yes three kids (I know can ya believe it). My oldest is Skyler he just turned 9 going on 25. He is very much into sports, big foot, UFO's, and the discovery channel. He always has statistics and facts for everything. I had him when I was young and He was an easy baby. Always ahead in everything and fast to learn. He loves school and he also loves to read books. He has a love for magic and poker thanks to his dad :). Skyler is an all around good kid (most the time).
Then comes Jackson, he is 3 years old. Jackson is our spitfire. He is one crazy kid and makes sure the house is never quiet. Jackson was born with a swallowing problem and has been in and out of the hospital his whole life. The cool thing is that he is such a happy kid and you would never know he has gone through what he has. He currently has a feeding tube and anything that is thin needs to be thickened before he can eat or drink it. Thank goodness we have found specialists in Seattle that are going to due surgery to fix his palate and hopefully he will be able to eat like the rest of us. His intrests are monkeys and super heros.
Last but not least is our newest addition Kierra, she is 2 months old. Kierra was born in December and has been teaching us about life with a girl. She is very demanding and very much a princess (we still love her though). Kierra had heart surgery at two weeks old and is doing great now. She has tons of dark black hair and beautiful (so far) blue eyes. She has mastered laughter and smiles.
So that sort of sums it up for now anyway.