Thursday, November 20, 2008

Way to go Sky :)

"but i why cant I mom?"
Jackson and Kierra

Brushing her first teeth

Lasagna "Yum"

So lets see... I will catch ya up. Ummm Skyler was sick Monday throwing up and Jackson has bronchitis and croup. Yesterday Kierra got her first ear infection and she has been crankier then ever.
Good news though Skyler made the honor roll!!! YAY!!! He is doing so good in school.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kierra, congratulations on your First Tooth. Oh boy, that Lasagna
looks yummy!! Is it the canned Lasagna that your mum used to eat day and night?

Jackson get better. Ear infections are NO fun !!! You need to be better for Thanksgiving !!!

Skyler,I'm so proud of you being on the Honor Roll. You are so smart and such a good student. That will get you far in life. Your Hamma never did make the Honor Roll. Keep up the good work.

Know we LOVE you all and have a great weekend !!! We think of you ALL every single day !!

Love us.

Germany is getting cold so Winter is here. The Christmas decorations and lights are ALL going up. I LOVE Christmas in Germany !!!