Saturday, November 8, 2008


This is how Kierra goes down the stairs. She slides down on her tummy and laughs and laughs.
This girl has no fear.
Kierra kisses her baby

Getting in the pantry and throwing everything on the floor.

Kierra is TROUBLE with a capital T. She is into the cupboards now. She also likes to unplug things and play with cords.

We did a ton of shopping today. I took Aslan and Skyler to Chili's and we shared a heavenly Chocolate Molten Cake. Yum. Skyler lost his wallet while we were at the mall. He only had a little money in it but he was very upset. We think he set it down somewhere and somebody walked off with it. Poor Guy.

Gotta love Target I got all three kids a Halloween costume for next year for $1.49 each.

Kierra has been carrying the baby doll in the picture all over (even while we went shopping). She keeps kissing it over and over.

Jackson is staying the night with Eddie tonight and was excited for that.

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