Wednesday, March 5, 2008


Well today is beautiful outside. I took the boys to school and they had to wear thier sunglasses and hats so i had to laugh and take a picture. Then I came home and played with Kierra. She is so fun because she is cooing and smiling all the time. So of course I took pictures. I also put a picture of her bracelet in so you could see it. I got it when she was in the hospital after her heart surgery.
I was just remembering back to not too long ago when we found out she had a heart problem. It felt like the biggest blow to us because we had already gone through medical stuff with Jackson and we felt we couldn't do it again. Emotionally and Physically we didn't know how we would get through this. For those of you who don't know how we found out it was a miracle.
Kierra was in the hospital for jaundice, when we were getting ready to leave a doctor (We say Angel) came in the room and said she just wanted to do one quick checkover before we went home. So she proceeded to look over her and ooh and ahh over how much hair Kierra had and how beautiful she was. She even asked if she was asian. Then the Dr listens to Kierras heart with her stethascope and said she hears a faint murmer. She told us her husband was a pediatric cardiologist and before we go home she was going to have him listen just to be sure. Her husband came down right away and he listened and said the murmur was faint but he wanted to do a ultrasound of her heart to be sure. What happened next was a shock. When they did the ultra sound they found that her aorta was narrowing. He called it Coarctation of the Aorta. Then he said you won't be going home you will be going to Peds ICU. He also said she will be needing Heart surgery. The only words I heard were Heart, Surgery and Peds ICU. All those years I kept it together with Jackson were out the window, I lost it.
Well after all the shock set in and I got it together Brian and I wanted to talk to someone about all of this. We had questions and wanted answers. The Cardiologist came back in at 10 o'clock at night on his own time to talk with us. He drew pictures and exclaimed that if your baby is to have a heart problem this is the one to have. He told us that at 10 days old newborns hearts start pumping normal rather than how it was pumping in the womb. Then he told us that if this was not caught we would of had a very sick baby on our hands and who knows what could have happened. Kierra was 8 days old two days shy of the 10 day mark. We felt so lucky and blessed and knew she had angels watching over her. The Dr assured us this procedure would be pretty straight forward and she should have no problems afterwards.
So fast forward to today and she is so healthy and happy and everyday I look at her I feel so THANKFUL and BLESSED.


Anonymous said...

hi amy this is your mum and dad writing. We love what you have been writing. Keep it up. We love it !!!!!!!! I like the black and white picture of Kierra and the picture of the boys in their glasses. We also like the music. We will be going to RAMSTEIN air force base tomorrow. I'm taking a half day off school so we can play.Keep this up. Dads foot doing fine but looks and smells awful.

Anonymous said...

Amy, what a beautiful family! I'm so glad that everything is going well for you on maternity leave. I miss seeing you and talking to you, but hopefully we can get together soon.
