Tuesday, January 20, 2009

So I moved Kierra's crib to vacuum under her crib and this is all the Binky's she had stashed under there.

Kierra took a bath in the kitchen sink today. She made a mess and splashed water all over the place. I guess that is why they make bathtubs.

Skyler is sick. Not happy about getting his picture taken.

Kierra not happy about getting her picture either.
Kierra had her kidney test this morning. It was not a happy time for all. She flipped out which is why the Dr wanted to sedate her but the radiologist didn't want to. So three of us held her down and she screamed the whole time.
I don't know when we will get the results so it will be a waiting game.
I took pictures from Skyler's basketball game but they didn't turn out so you'll have to wait till I get a new camera for pictures. For some reason they turn out so dark in the gym even with the flash.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi daughter !!! Poor Kierra!!! I can feel her pain. Poor little girl !!! Maybe this will be the last of her tests? It will be nice to know that she is healthy and no problems. Tell Skyler to get well!!! He has to be well for playing basketball. How was his camp on Sunday ? Well, we have a new President. Let's see if he accomplishes all he plans on doing. I do wish him the best. I tried to call yesterday but we had to be working. Your Papa had a part in seeing an African American President was elected. He voted for the Civil Right Law when he was in Congress. I was a teenager and I remember him sharing with me he had a hard vote to vote on. He said this vote could cost him the election .(People in Utah naturally were against the law) He voted for the bill and it didn't cost him the election. He didn't share a lot of his work issues with us as a family since he wanted to let go of pressure when we were together as a family.(So this had to be a hard decision for him ) Vicky and I are thinking you're hinting for a new camera. Is that true.

Obama will give more money to Head Start.That should make your job easier.

Take care Love

Me Mum

Dad is having a hard time accepting our new President. Dad is getting excited to be with you ALL. I'm jealous!!

Any more info on the Kenny Chesney tickets in August . Keep me posted.