Sunday, January 25, 2009

I HATE being SICK!!!!

Finally the bug got me. I have been so sick these past few days. I have a horrible cough and my ear is killing me. I should probably go to the Dr.
It was embarrassing at Target today because I had a couple coughing fits and people looked at me like I had the plague. I took Kierra and Jackson while Brian took Skyler to his basketball camp. Jackson ran all over the store and Kierra wanted everything so she whined and grabbed for things off the shelves. Oh man what a horrible shopping trip. I just didn't have the energy to deal with the kids so I am sure people were saying "Look at that lady with the plague and the horribly behaved children".
Anyways Skyler made it to the championship in basketball but they lost in double overtime. It was so sad because some of the kids were crying like it was the end of the world. Skyler didn't really care. Makes you wonder about the parents of these kids.
I signed Skyler back up for soccer and Jackson will play as well.
Skyler still has 2 more weeks of Gonzaga Basketball camp.
I can't believe Skyler will be 10 years old next week. That is so crazy. I have a 10 year old.
The years went way too fast. I can't believe it!!!
He would so kill me if he knew I was writing this but it is soooo funny. He thinks he is going through puberty because he is liking girls now. He can't wait for puberty. Little does he know :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi family, Amy I hope you're feeling better !!! We also have a lot of sickness at our school. Right now the sun is out and it makes me think of Spring !!! I'm ready. I can't believe that Skyler will be 10 on Feb 4. That is so hard to believe!!! It makes me feel old. It also reminds me of my mom. I can't believe she died 10 years ago. Time really does pass by very quickly. All is well with me and Dad. We are still married. Take care of each other and we'll call this weekend.
Love, Mum and Hamma