Monday, August 18, 2008

What a sad day...

I was reading my friends blog today when I discovered a baby that I have been following on another blog had passed away yesterday. His name is Noah.
This makes me so sad for the family. Read what my friend Jodie says it will bring tears to your eyes and is so touching
Noah brings back so many things for me such as my beautiful nephew Noah that died of SIDS on September 4th 2006. It makes my heart break that he had to leave us.
It also makes me think of Jackson when he was so sick in the hospital as a baby and nobody knew what was wrong. All the times when we didn't know if he would make it. His skinny little lethargic body clinging to life, surprising us each time he pulled through. He is now so healthy and keeping us so busy. Do I ever stop to think that could have been me. I could have never seen him grow to be who he is and who he will become. Life is so precious and having the privilege to have children, even if for a short while is such a blessing in itself.
I hope we can all slow down in our lives and realize how things can change in a second and love every minute we have with our loved ones.


Anonymous said...

Amy did you know this baby Noah? This is so sad. It makes you so thankful for the blessings we have had as a family.I naturally started crying when I read this message. It also made me think of Jackson and Kierra. It also made me think once again of you and Brian and how strong you both are. You have definately been through a lot and you both remain strong and happy. I know our Jackson has great things to do with is life. We got Dad's ticket yesterday. He is changing his regular plan of coming home. He will leave Germany March 2 and return back to Germany on April 2. He wanted to be here for our anniversary since we have celebrated it together for 5 years. Please tell Skyler Hoppa won't be there for his birthday but will arrive later. Keep in touch. lOVE ME I start back to work tomorrow. Darn it. Always know Dad and I love you. Love us Mum and Dad

Jodie Allen said...

I just searched and found your blog again! I somehow lost the link for the last few weeks. Now I need to read and catch up with your life!

Thanks for posting about Noah, it still is so hard for me to even think about it.

Hope all is well, love jodie