Tuesday, May 13, 2008

My Babies

Ok Burtons notice Skylers shirt?
Hi I took Kierra to the Doctor today and she weighed 14 pounds 5 oz. She is sticking out her tongue all the time and is also trying to blow rasberries. Skylers science project is "Will Global Warming cause the Next Ice Age?" . I know he is silly. Jackson is doing great still busy as ever.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love the pictures of my grandkids. What cute grandchildren we have. All different and unique in their own way. I must say they all seem to have crazy hair though. I don't know where that comes from? Keep sending on pictures. Skyler, I love your Burton shirt. Wear it proudly. I also like your idea for your science project.Keep me posted on it and send on pictures. When does it have to be done? Jackson, you look like you are still loving life to it's fullest. Always do that and you will have a happy life. Aslan and Isabelle, I Love your new sister. She is so cute. She looks like Eddie did as a baby but I see your mum in her. It looks like you are taking good care of her!! Lyra Nanice, we can't wait to hold you. We have cousins coming to visit tomorrow. 5 people will be her and Karl has invited us to go to Switzerland with them. They will be here for 3 weeks. Hoppa and I are going para gliding together. Keep sending us pictures. We can't wait until next month until we can all be together again. Take care of each other. Always remember Hamma and Hoppa love you ALL !