Wednesday, May 7, 2008

It's Baby Day :)

I got a phone call at 4:52am that Sarahs water broke. I went and picked up the kids from the hospital and she looks great. No real contractions yet they are just giving her time to start labor on her own. Eddie is going to call and keep me posted which will determine when we go back to the hospital. I hope she comes soon because Brian and I have our concert tonight and we can't miss it.
I am so excited to meet my new niece!!! I took my kids to school and daycare so I just have Eddie and Sarahs kids. Good thing they weren't my babysitters for tonight.
It figures she comes today because I told her not to come till after the concert
(typical member of our family :)).I will keep ya posted as the day goes on.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ok baby we're waiting for our newest family member. I hope she is ready for this family !!!!Hoppa and Hamma just got back from work and received a phone call from Eddie. This is too exciting. We went to dinner by the water and were watching all the barges pass by. Very good peaceful day for our newest grandchild to be born. Wish we could be there. We'll spoil her this summer.We will watch American Idol and chill and wait to hear word we have another grandchild. Love, Hamma and Hoppa
We want pictures SOON!!