Monday, October 20, 2008

Turning Thirty (I wrote this yesterday and it is posting today)

Ok this is my 30 year old crisis hair cut. As most of you know I will be 30 on Saturday and I am so not ready to be 30.

So I went and cut off my hair and I like it, So maybe 30 isn't so bad after all. Do you like?

Well the kids are in bed and I should be cleaning but I really don't want too. I think I will just catch up on all my shows that I have on DVR and relax for tonight.

I take the kids for their flu shots tomorrow and Kierra is getting a check up for an episode she had last week. She was crying and stopped breathing and turned blue for a few seconds.She is fine now though.
Skyler starts basketball this week. He will have two practices plus a game every week.
Jackson just finished soccer and will start back in the spring.
Well I must go watch my shows - PEACE -

1 comment:

Jodie Allen said...

super cute!!! hopefully your trip to the doc goes better than mine did today! :)

have you guys gone to greenbluffs yet this year? would love to see some photos!!!