Monday, August 17, 2009

Count Down to Vacation time

Just a sneak peek at our adventures with Kenny

I am so ready for some time off !!! I have four more days at my summer job then I get a vacation. I go back to my regular job September 4th.

We have been busy busy. Soccer is back in full swing and so we go go everyday.

Kierra has been doing awesome on the potty. I think if we were home more she would be a champ. She tells me when she needs to pee or poop. Her favorite thing is to take off all her clothes and be naked on the potty. Tonight she even brushed her teeth while going potty.

Jackson is way excited to start Kindergarten (Booo Hoooo). He asks everyday "How much more days mom?". He pulls his backpack with his school supplies out all the time and just looks at them.

Skyler wanted to earn money so he spent 2 hours in the kitchen doing dishes, scrubbing the counters and taking out garbage tonight. I was so proud of him. You know what he wants money for? The new Madden game for the xbox. Lots of chores to go for that.

Mom we ate outside and watered the flowers just for you. The boys both took turns cleaning off the deck and watering the flowers.


Anonymous said...

LOVE Kierra's haircut.Oh how I miss the kids and you guys!!!Me

Anonymous said...

These pictures bring back very happy memories !!!!!! Didn't we have fun with our dates with Kenny!! I wish I was with you all and Kenny right now!!! Glad you ate on the deck and tell Jackson and Skyler thanks for watering the flowers and cleaning the deck. Tell Jackson to talk to the flowers they grow better. So happy to hear that the test for Kierra were okay. Take care of our girl. Love, More German friends visiting today. Just found out they have to specially make a window for our slider. We will be without glass until next week. The slider is all taped up with lots of duct tape. Now we look like we live in the projects. Life is full of fun and lots of games. Love to all.