Friday, July 25, 2008

Better Late than never...

So finally I am posting a few more pictures from my trip.

I am supposed to be getting ready to go to the lake with Sarah and the kids but I got distracted. So much has happened this week. HELLO BIG NEWS Jackson got his feeding tube removed on Tuesday the 22nd. He is so happy and doing great. We had a huge celebration that night to celebrate the big day. We went to the park and had pizza, ice cream sundays and cake. Thanks to all those who came. We are just putting bandages on the site and changing them often. We have to give it two weeks to try and heal on its own if not he will have to have surgery to close it up. The Dr said more then likely he will have to have surgery because he had the feeding tube for so long. OK now I really need to get ready or I will be late. I will post button party pictures later.

The family at the memorial.

Vietnam Memorial. This was very touching!!!

My cuz at the World War 2 Memorial in D.C.

This doesn't look good!! My Aunts giving Kierra a drink. They look like they are up to trouble.

Melanie and Jeff

My cousins feeding Kierra weird things

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