Thursday, January 29, 2009


Monday I went to the Dr and got on antibiotics. I have a sinus infection. Tuesday I had to stay home from work because I had a 102 temperature. I slept from 9am to 330pm. Apparently I needed rest. I feel much better after resting and taking my medicine.
Kierra's test results came back from her renal ultrasound and everything looks good. Kidneys are doing there job. :) Every ones prayers worked.
So what does this mean in terms to her high blood pressure? Well it is most likely caused by the Coarctation and she may or may not outgrow it. The Cardiologist is going to do blood tests on February 17th to find out if the medication is doing its job.
Good news (Hopefully doesn't jinx it) Kierra has been sleeping through the night all week!!!
Tonight I went to a really interesting presentation on conserving energy and living green. Very Interesting I learned lots of cool things.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

I HATE being SICK!!!!

Finally the bug got me. I have been so sick these past few days. I have a horrible cough and my ear is killing me. I should probably go to the Dr.
It was embarrassing at Target today because I had a couple coughing fits and people looked at me like I had the plague. I took Kierra and Jackson while Brian took Skyler to his basketball camp. Jackson ran all over the store and Kierra wanted everything so she whined and grabbed for things off the shelves. Oh man what a horrible shopping trip. I just didn't have the energy to deal with the kids so I am sure people were saying "Look at that lady with the plague and the horribly behaved children".
Anyways Skyler made it to the championship in basketball but they lost in double overtime. It was so sad because some of the kids were crying like it was the end of the world. Skyler didn't really care. Makes you wonder about the parents of these kids.
I signed Skyler back up for soccer and Jackson will play as well.
Skyler still has 2 more weeks of Gonzaga Basketball camp.
I can't believe Skyler will be 10 years old next week. That is so crazy. I have a 10 year old.
The years went way too fast. I can't believe it!!!
He would so kill me if he knew I was writing this but it is soooo funny. He thinks he is going through puberty because he is liking girls now. He can't wait for puberty. Little does he know :)

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

So I moved Kierra's crib to vacuum under her crib and this is all the Binky's she had stashed under there.

Kierra took a bath in the kitchen sink today. She made a mess and splashed water all over the place. I guess that is why they make bathtubs.

Skyler is sick. Not happy about getting his picture taken.

Kierra not happy about getting her picture either.
Kierra had her kidney test this morning. It was not a happy time for all. She flipped out which is why the Dr wanted to sedate her but the radiologist didn't want to. So three of us held her down and she screamed the whole time.
I don't know when we will get the results so it will be a waiting game.
I took pictures from Skyler's basketball game but they didn't turn out so you'll have to wait till I get a new camera for pictures. For some reason they turn out so dark in the gym even with the flash.

Kierra Dancing!!!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

One very sick baby

Well here we go again!!! Kierra was back at her school for two days and she got sent home with a 103 temperature. So I spent yet another night at the urgent care to only be sent home with "it's just a virus".
So a day later and she is still running a high temperature and I am sure she has an ear infection or something and I will have to go spend more hours in urgent care. I love it.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Follow up from Kierra's Cardiologist appointment

Kierra jumping on Jackson's Trampoline. She bounces and says "bop bop bop"

So Yesterday I took Kierra to the cardiologist for her follow up on her high blood pressure. The verdict is high blood pressure medication. She is on Enaplapril or also known as Vasotec.

We went in and they did her pressures and they are still high so she did an Echo cardiogram. They were unsure if she would sit still due to her age. They popped in some baby Einstein and she sang and danced with it while they did her Echo.

Good news is her heart looks great. Bad news is she still has high blood pressure and we don't know why. The Cardiologist said it could be just because of her Coarctation but she wants to rule out kidney problems.

So on January 20th she will be sedated and they will do tests on her kidney.

Please keep Kierra in your thoughts and prayers that everything will be OK !!!

Skyler has been so happy that school has been closed. He starts Gonzaga basketball camp on Sunday and is way excited.

Monday, January 5, 2009


She didn't like the cold snow on her hand

Another day stuck at home. School was closed

This is funny Jackson was doing this and I asked him what he was doing and he said "I am doing Yoga"
Looks like he is meditating

This is Kierra with one of her babies. She is so cute with them. She wraps them in blankies and rocks her babies while singing to them.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year

This time last year

On her FIRST birthday

Truly our Angel Baby

So it is 2009. That's crazy!!!

Well today it is snowing AGAIN!!! We are going crazy with over 60inches so far and more to come. Some days you can leave your house and some days you can't because the roads are horrible. Peoples roofs are collapsing left and right due to the heavy snow.

Last night we celebrated New Years at home with the kids (wow the way things change when you have three kids). Brian brought home pizza and we had tons and tons of snack foods. We watched the Zags get there butts kicked by Utah and played rummikub. Then about 10 Kierra zonked out and 11:30 Jackson zonked.

Brian, Skyler and I watched the ball drop toasted apple cider and rang in the New Year. Then we quickly went to bed because we are Losers :)

I plan to take all three kids in the snow today and get lots of pictures so I will post those later.

On a lighter note I can't help but remember this time last year. We were sitting in PEDS ICU with Kierra waiting for Jan. 2nd so she could have her heart surgery. Look at her now she is ONE and silly as ever. So tomorrow we will celebrate her one year post surgery.