Friday, August 29, 2008
As luck would have it... At least my luck
She is doing great. The surgery was like one hour all together. Then they just had her stay in recovery for one hour then she went home.
Her blood pressure was high at times but also excellent at other times so I don't know what is up with that.
She was cute waking up she would be totally out then wake up and say up or ball then go back to sleep.
When we left they said she should sleep all day. Ya right the girl is all over the place and crazy as ever.
We continue to have Zack in our prayers.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Brian and Jackson spraying Skyler in the bumper Boats
Not feeling so great right after surgery.
Well surgery is over for Jackson. Hopefully this will be his last. Kierra ended up not having to have surgery because her abscess miraculously disappeared.
Jackson has staples on the inside of his stomach and stitches on the outside skin. He is in a lot of pain from the procedure as you can imagine. He didn't have to stay overnight just till about 7ish in the hospital. They wanted to make sure we could control the pain with meds that can go home. He is much happier at home.
He is having a hard time with having to lay down and be calm so that his tummy won't hurt but he is a trooper. We have just been watching movie after movie.
For the next few days he has to be on a liquid diet so that he won't hurt anything in his stomach. He also has a bandage on it that has to stay on for two weeks.
Friday, August 22, 2008
Visiting Preschool...
Skyler found out who his teacher for the fourth grade is. I guess her name is Mrs Erickson. He is getting bored but still not ready to go back to school.
Jackson and Kierra are out of school for one week. We are going to Silverwood and doing surgery on Wednesday.
Kierra is talking a lot now. She says "Ball", "Up", and "Mom". She growing too fast. She just turned 8 months old. Where did all the time go?
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Cardiologist and Kierra
We are planning on going to Silverwood sometime this weekend so we are excited. Nothing else really exciting going on just work and kids.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Rainy Day
Well I painted half of Kierra's room last night and I am so tired. The kids here at work are wild today. Maybe it is the rainy weather. One more day of kids then I am done till September 4th and I go back to my baby room.
Monday, August 18, 2008
What a sad day...
This makes me so sad for the family. Read what my friend Jodie says it will bring tears to your eyes and is so touching
Noah brings back so many things for me such as my beautiful nephew Noah that died of SIDS on September 4th 2006. It makes my heart break that he had to leave us.
It also makes me think of Jackson when he was so sick in the hospital as a baby and nobody knew what was wrong. All the times when we didn't know if he would make it. His skinny little lethargic body clinging to life, surprising us each time he pulled through. He is now so healthy and keeping us so busy. Do I ever stop to think that could have been me. I could have never seen him grow to be who he is and who he will become. Life is so precious and having the privilege to have children, even if for a short while is such a blessing in itself.
I hope we can all slow down in our lives and realize how things can change in a second and love every minute we have with our loved ones.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Then she went straight for the stairs.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
I took my niece and nephew along with Jackson, Skyler and Kierra and met my friend and her kids. We went to the new Aquatics Center it was a blast. They have a lazy river, water slides, and big water toys. The kids couldn't get enough.
Skyler went to an arena football game tonight and I am babysitting my brothers kids while they are at the movie. Brian barbecued steaks for us and I am trying to motivate myself to finish painting my bathroom. I am so sick of painting.
On August 27th both Kierra and Jackson are scheduled for surgery. Leave it to my kids to have surgery the same day with the same surgeon. Jackson will get his g-tube site sewed together and Kierra is having an abscess removed. Hopefully this will be the last surgery for both of them.
I only have 4 more days of work till I get a little time off. Then back to my regular classroom September 4th. Of course no vacation for me because of the two having surgery. Oh well such is life.